Friday, November 12, 2010

Parent Involvement Quiz

If you are concerned about your level of involvement, please answer yes or no to the following statements:

-- I attend events for parents, such as school plays and musical performances.
-- I attend parent-teacher conferences and any other meetings hosted by the school.
-- I have met all of my child’s teachers & communicate through email or phone calls.
-- I use the Parent Portal to check grades and assignments.
-- I ask my child about what he is learning in school.
-- I am aware of the type of homework my child does. I suggest resources, such as reference books or Internet searches, where he/she might find additional help.

How well are you doing?
Mostly "yes" answers mean you are continuing to be involved in your child’s education.
Mostly "no" answers? The above statements offer ideas for staying involved in your child’s school life.

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